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The Doggie Bag
1070 Pleasant Grove Blvd.
Roseville, CA  95678
916.789.WOOF (9663)


(In the Safeway Shopping Center
Pleasant Grove/Roseville Pkwy)


Monday-Saturday: 10:00-5:30pm
Sunday: 11:00-4:00pm

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Buddy Wash Shampoo Conditioner- Lavender

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Buddy Wash Shampoo and Conditioner - Lavender

This popular dog shampoo is made from pure, natural ingredients including botanical extracts to heal, soothe, moisturize and rejuvenate. It has a light and refreshing herbal scent with no harsh alcohol or medicinal odor. Additionally, this shampoo has a soothing conditioner to help with irritated skin. Made in the USA with natural herbs and oils and free of harsh ingredients.



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